Archive | March, 2012

~~Nicole Richies Boho headbands and the Walking Dead~~The highlight of my week!

20 Mar

I really don’t watch Fashion Star but I did a double take when I saw Nicole Richie in this gorgeous headband.

I absolutely love this look paired with her multiple bracelets.  She just always seems glamorous but totally comfortable.  Her look is easy and affordable to pull off to.  You can easily find vintage dresses from the 1970’s at your local thrift store or  flowing dresses in Forever 21.

Heres another one of her headpieces I love

Her House of Harlow line is great.  I can’t wait to see what else she comes up with.  You can check out similar looks at

Moving on to the WALKING DEAD

Now Holy hell what the Walking Dead finale was AMAZING!!

Rick killed Shane and I couldn’t be happier but now it seems he’s losing it and becoming Shane-like.

Shane as a zombie

 It’s no longer a democracy.  I feel his frustration.  He’s been trying to do the right thing to just be kicked in the butt over and over again.  I also hope Lori gets bitten soon.  I don’t understand what the writers are doing to her character.

We also finally find out everyones infected.  You can die a natural death and you will become a zombie!

 For me the epic part of the whole finale was literally the last few minutes when Andrea is stranded in the woods and she’s fighting for her life about to be a zombies midnight snack when a hooded figure with two chained zombies comes to her rescue.

Yeah, that image was imprinted in my head for about a day.  I can’t wait to see what these writers come up with next.

Im going to buy the comic book because I just can’t wait until October!

I know this is mostly a fashion blog but every once and while you’ll see a horror posting.  Its my favorite genre!


Lila Juliet and Michelle Andres